Monday, September 12, 2011

Making Waves

September 12th 2011
Today was a special day, and not only because it was our first parent-led 'School Monday'.  We headed up island to North Beach this morning, with a group of ten of our twelve students and five parents and teachers in tow.  When we arrived, the energy was peaceful and the sun was shining.  The adults started a fire and set up camp for the day, while the children began combing the beach for agates, shells and other treasures.  So many treasures in fact, that one five year old boy was worried that his pockets were so full of agates that his pants might fall down!  We found an enormous mushroom growing sideways out of the sand, an ancient canoe, and a range of animal tracks, belonging to deer, raccoons and bears.  As the day went on, a group of children began experimenting with the incoming waves, and built a driftwood structure to block them.  They decided on a triangular structure for strength, and soon learned that the dam needed to be moved closer to shore with the incoming tide.  This experience reminded me of how much I learn through watching uninitiated group play.  Children gain so much through collaborative problem-solving and it is fascinating to listen to their ideas and watch their wheels turning.  It was also exciting to watch our new Kindergarten students find the courage to try something new with the 'big' kids.  Two of our new five year olds braved a surf board for the first time, and were clearly proud of their achievements.  I was also quite impressed that most of the children spent almost the entire day waist deep in the ocean.  Although the sun was shining, on Haida Gwaii in September, the water is pretty frigid.  To be honest, on Haida Gwaii, the water is pretty frigid all summer long.  The kids didn't seem to mind, and spent all day in the ocean, eventually joining us, in soaking wet t-shirts and towels by the fire where we roasted hotdogs and marshmallows.  The first 'School Monday' of the year reminded me how wonderful it is to spend time together as a school community.  Now I suppose it is time to shake the sand out of our shoes, say goodbye to summer, and get ready for a year full of new experiences.  xo

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